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Take a Walk in the Park/Mall for Health & Humanism -- East/Southeast

Photo of Polly Jennings
Hosted By
Polly J. and Sheila M.


Take exercise walks while wearing your t-shirt supporting science and reason! We wait for people who RSVP so please cancel if you can't attend.

We walk with like-minded friends for 45-50 minutes, then finish with coffee and more conversation. Arrive a few minutes early so we can group according to walking rate and then start the walk together shortly after 9:15.

In Summer we walk outside in a local park; in Winter we walk in the mall, and that is our backup plan for rainy days.

For mall-walks, meet at the food court across from Seattle's Best Coffee, top floor of Clackamas Town Center. We walk before the shoppers arrive -- some do both levels, twice! All ages and abilities are welcome, as are little ones in strollers.

Contact the host for a cell number in case you can't find us. This Meetup is accessible by public transportation, but if you need a ride, please ask in your comment with your RSVP. If you don't get a response the same day, please e-mail Sheila (and Tom) through Meetup.

This is a joint activity with Secular Humanists of East Portland and Secular Family Network.

We look forward to seeing you -- tell a friend!

Photo of Humanists of Greater Portland Meetup group
Humanists of Greater Portland Meetup
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Happy Valley Park
13770 SE Ridgecrest Rd · Happy Valley, OR