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Digital Strategy Works News - Vol. 3: Wordpress Training & Support, Wordpress Westchester, 20dot20

From: Anthony Z.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 9:16 AM
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Get your blog on! Last days of February Special!

Thank you for your feedback and support of the recent launch of Digital Strategy Works (DSW).  I have enjoyed talking with so many of you this past month and look forward to working together.

In our conversations, it quickly became apparent there is a need for Wordpress training and support. Since January, we've been busy serving that need.

Here are a few examples:

New 20dot20- We helped Abbe Diaz ( upgrade to the latest version of Wordpress, install and configure much needed plugins for SEO, analytics, and social media, redirect the home page, and fix multiple domain issues with redirects.

New 20dot20- Fiona Bloom's ( Wordpress site hadn't been upgraded, leaving it vulnerable to a hacker who installed malware on her blog. This caused Google to flag her blog as a "harmful attack site." We scanned her Wordpress files, upgraded to the latest version of Wordpress, and walked her through the process of being removed from Google's "blacklist" of malware infected web sites. Her trendy music blog is back in action with a new look from an independent designer.

Punk Rope- Tim Haft ( needed a bit of help with his web site built on Wordpress. When the theme template for his site was designed a few years ago, it was sufficient but not SEO friendly. With all the new improvements to Wordpress, Tim was seeking advice on how to optimize his site for search, how to backup his theme and database, properly SEO the blog, and figure out how to migrate to a local shopping cart system, instead of using a third party.

Tim also needed to improved his navigation link structure, which uses images for each word in the navigation menu, instead of simple text that search engines can read. We're still working with Tim to improve traffic and sales of high quality, wood-handled jump ropes.


This brings up an important point. We've noticed so many of our friends and colleagues that relying on third party shopping services to house their products. What they don't realize, is that by linking to a completely different web site (i.e. points to, search engines are not indexing your product pages relative to your domain. What does that mean? When user performs a search, the engine will not return a result with your your products on your site, because the products aren't really on your site. They're on the other guy's site. No one knows your products.


Many of us blogging or developing web sites with Wordpress, or know people who are, would be better able to take full advantage of the system's power, if they only had someone to show them how to get the most out of Wordpress.

In light of this, DSW is offering a Wordpress special for the remainder of the month of February 2010:

2 hours of one-on-one Wordpress training, including review of your current Wordpress blog and recommended upgrades, installations of suggested plugins and guidance on Search Engine Optomization (SEO) - all for the special rate of $250.

* To be eligible for this special rate, we will meet at my office in Bronxville (30 minutes from Grand Central Station - $13 round trip, off peak.)  My home/office is located directly across the street from the Bronxville train station. If you would like to meet in NYC, the rate will be an additional $100 (due to the travel time). Cash or PayPal Only.

(If you are interested in setting up a Wordpress blog with custom theme development, there is a different pricing structure - please contact DSW for more information.)


"I needed some assistance with my blog and Tony was the go to person. He is an expert on web development and really throughly explained the problems I was having in non-technical terms which made it very easy. He really knows the ins and out of his industry and is always great to work with. He is reliable - when he says he will do something it's within deadline - always. He went above and beyond what I expected, even giving extra recommendations on what needed improvement." - January 25, 2010

"Despite my hesitancy to become a blogger, Tony managed to create a website for me that even a technology "dummy" could easily figure out. Tony took a lot of time to explain the benefits of blogging as part of my marketing strategy and he was 110% correct. As a result of his work, I have had consistent visits to my site from more than 30 countries with no paid advertising. His expertise in Search Engine Optimization was spot on for my business needs. While I was concerned that the blogging tool would be overwhelming to learn, Tony broke it down in very digestible morsels - quickly turning me into a mini trainer for other friends who are interested in blogging. Not only do I have a great web site for my small practice, I have confidence in my ability to manage my site. I would recommend Tony without hesitation! His rates are affordable and he is one of the most patient people that I've ever known." - January 25, 2010

If you know anyone who may benefit from this special, please forward this email to them. The biggest complement that you can give me about my work is to recommend me to colleagues and friends/family.
DSW launches Wordpress Westchester Meetup

Wordpress Westchester MeetupDigital Strategy Works founder, Tony Zeoli, launched the Westchester Wordpress Meetup Group to support individuals and small businesses in Westchester County with their Wordpress needs.

The Journal News at 1 Gannet Drive in White Plains is kindly providing a conference room, projection and web connectivity for this monthly Meetup.
Click to register for the next event on February 24, 2010.
20dot20 Advertising & Interactive Music Networking Event - February 25th
On 20dot20Thursday, February 25th, 20dot20 returns at the Gibson/Baldwin Entertainment Relations Showroom. It's sure to be another laid back, chilled out networking mixer for folks in the Ad & Interactive Music industry. Hope you can join us. Get the details and register for the event.
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