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Looking for UX Intern in LA/Santa Monica

From: Thomas D.
Sent on: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 3:33 PM

After working with me for several months, my first UX intern landed a
job as an IA at Digitas. I'm now looking for my second student. The
position is unpaid. However, if you're passionate about UX and want to
work alongside a seasoned professional, I can share with you what I've
learned over the past 15 years designing web sites and applications.
If interested, here's what you need to do:

1) Passion for UX
2) Able to come into office in Santa Monica at least 3 days/week
3) Some experience/Education­ (Tell me what you've done or better yet,
point me to some work or projects online
4) Tell me why you want to be my UX intern

Our company:



Thomas Donehower

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