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Yes the Special Scott O'Neil IBD Meetup has a location - Arlington Convention center.

From: Charlotte Hudgin 2.
Sent on: Saturday, March 3, 2012, 5:12 PM

It isn't official yet, but from my grapevine I hear that the special combined Dallas and Fort Worth IBD Meetup is set for the Arlington Convention center. I like the location since is it much more in the middle of the metroplex.

What: IBD Special Meetup presenter: Scott O'Neil, President of IBD's MarketSmith tool

Date: Thursday, March 22, 7 to 9 p.m.


You can register for this first time ever event at


Also, the following weekend in the full day level 2 IBD training in Irving. You can register for the IBD training at


Because this meeting is our March Meetup, there will no other Meetup in March.


Wishing you, "Many Happy Returns,"

Charlotte Hudgin

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