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New Meetup: cover band music at the Burren

From: Jonathan
Sent on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 6:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Indie Rock Boston!

What: cover band music at the Burren

When: October 16,[masked]:00 PM

The Burren
247 Elm St
Somerville, MA 02144

Hey folks, I know coverbands are bad, but theyre cheaper than real shows and you can chat while theyre playing without getting yelled at. Anyhow I had a good time at this last week so I thought I'd post this event around.

"Cover Up! is a Boston based band playing a wide variety of great songs for their audiences. Out in front is Chris Bianchi (Guitar ace&singer,)and Tino Sanchez (Electric Bass&backing vocals.) In the middle are the blues-laden vocals of Billy Dezotell. Holding it all down on drums is Joe Taranto. This quartet of musicians has a desire to stay true (most of the time) to the original arrangments of the songs from the artists we chose to cover.We also have some fun with segues and even take requests from the crowd. If we know it,we'll play it. We aim to entertain the audience and have fun!

There is a rich history present here as Chris and Tino have been jamming together for 20 years. Ten of those years with drummer,Joe. Billy D hopped on board a couple of years after that and the chemistry was then rounded off. A magical chemistry it is too."

no cover before 9, $5 after

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