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Updates and opportunities

From: robert
Sent on: Monday, July 8, 2013, 10:12 AM

Hi everyone!

Sorry we don't have a meet up planned this month (July). I wanted to have Gwardedd demo and discuss his Xbox game but I couldn't get the venue I wanted. I'm sorry about that :( And I've been extraordinarily busy with my day job so that's distracted me from the meet up. Again - more apologies!

I propose another show-and-tell for August as I already have someone who would like to present their project and then if anyone has a room with a TV and power we can see Gwardedd's game in September. Or?

The date I have for the next meeting is Tues 13th August. Please let me know if you can't make it before I schedule it and I can make a call. Could be everyone is on holiday?


** Opportunities **

One of our members, Sam, runs the Stellar Network and is offering subsidised training to develop transmedia experiences. Here's the link


Here's the info Sam sent me:

Stellar Network launches a new Development Programme this Autumn in partnership with Roehampton University.

The programme will be research-led training, developing the skills of theatre, film, television and games professionals to create innovative stories and experiences across platforms.    Enabled by technology, participants will explore the boundaries between audience and story, reality and fiction. We're looking for rising talent- writers, directors, producers, game designers and creative technologists, who are interested in exploring new distribution platforms, sectors and audiences for their work.

The programme will happen between September 2013- December 2013 and is completely subsidised for the chosen participants.

Further information on the programme and the application process:



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