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Customized Moxtra Dedicated Event & Demo Night Meetup Coming in SF

From: Vicky
Sent on: Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 6:00 AM

Customized Moxtra Dedicated Event @Mobile Makers Academy, SF

Nov 12th 5:30PM - 8:30PM - Join us!


Raj Sen Sharma, Director of Product Management at Moxtra

Topic: How to integrate a real time communications layer into your iOS 

apps. Integrating Moxtra into your consumer app brings a new level of engagement and stickiness to your app and help with adoption, usage and virality. Integrating Moxtra into your business app allows your app users to engage with other users right from your apps to get things done. 

Moxtra is a power communication 
platform for real time engagement. Moxtra SDK allows any application on any device to integrate Moxtra capabilities to drive real time engagement of users with just few lines of code. The SDK brings chat, screen sharing, audio conferencing, file sharing and rich annotation services through a pluggable UI element that securely connects with Moxtra services delivered from the cloud. Integrating Moxtra into your consumer app brings new level of engagement and stickiness to your app and help with adoption, usage and virality. Integrating Moxtra into your business app allows your app users to engage with other users right from your apps to get things done. The SDK is available for iOS, Android Javascript and Rest APIs. 

SF Demo Night @REDFIN, Nov 20th!

Join us!
Demo List 

• GraphFM: Graph is a development platform that raises developers' abilities to the next level. 

• Vidooly: Actionable & Intelligent analytics to grow on YouTube 

• Keedowi: A hassle free, fun, and engaging way to create events

• Appacitive: A visual Backend as a Service 

• Fdbk: Fdbk is developing the Dropbox of feedback - we are democratizing an esoteric yet hugely important concept by making it super-simple, secure, scalable, and well-suited for the connected universe. 

• UnCord: AirPlay and AirDrop for All Devices 

• Magnet: Generate mobile native code for REST services


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