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New Meetup: Centro Citta' Italian Language Meet Up

From: Jeanette
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 8:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Centro Citt? Italian Language Meetup Group!

What: Centro Citta' Italian Language Meet Up

When: December 1,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Ciao Amici,
Please join us on Monday, December 1 at 7:30 pm for our regular Italian Language meetup! We've had several new members join recently and it's been molto divertente to meet you all. We welcome speakers of all skill levels, those who are native born as well as those who are beginners.

Special thanks to those of you who are beginners or who are "returning" to the language and make an extra effort to converse in Italian. It is always challenging to find the right word to express your ideas, especially in the excitement of a great conversation. With that in mind, please continue to converse in Italian to the best of your ability....there are usually others whose skills may be a bit stronger and are most happy to help trovare le parole!

Because Sole Luna is a dining establishment, please come prepared to order something from the menu?.whether it's one of their specialty Italian dishes, or antipasti, or salads, or desserts. They also offer a variety of coffees, wines, and have a full bar as well. We have frequented this restaurant for ore than a year now and they have been good hosts to us. Here is a peek at their website: http://www.solelunaca... Also, it helps us to know if you are coming so that we can alert the management to our seating needs. We want all of you to be comfortably seated without impeding the traffic flow in the restaurant.

Sole Luna is a very popular locale and it is very important that we make a reservation in advance...we usually do this mid day on the meeting day. It would be very helpful if you could respond before then. Grazie.

Please note that there will be meetups scheduled for different events and locations throughout the coming year. Please remember to check the calendar because we sometimes post events such as films, language classes, wine tastings, etc., only on the calendar rather than scheduling an event as a meet up.

Mille grazie e ci vediamo presto!
Jeanette (posted from Roma (-: )

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