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Jazz Bakery Tickets this Friday

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 11:29 AM
Hi All:  I have 2 tickets to see the second show of Brazilian legendary showman Dori Caymmi who is responsible for many of the greatest bossa nova/samba hits of the past 30 years.  He rarely performs in LA so this is a great opportunity to see him up close and personal at the Jazz Bakery.  The tickets are normally $30 but I got them through GoldStar events so they are only $19 each, but I am willing to sell them for only $15 a piece.  Jazz Bakery is great venue as there are no drinks/food minimums (they don't serve them!) and free parking that is right next door.  I cannot use them so if you would like to take your sweetheart to a romantic show for Valentine's Day, this could be your answer!  Please email me asap so we can arrange for me to meet you at the show and pick up the tickets for you. 
Lisa Lyons

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