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From: Randy
Sent on: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 6:21 PM

B A L T I M O R E J U N G W O R K I N G  G R O U P


Exploring aspects and applications of the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung in a variety of contexts since 1983.

OCT 4 - CLEARING CIVIL WAR BATTLEFIELDS. Areas of great trauma and suffering, like battlefields, Ground Zero,

and Holocaust camps, become saturated with dense, heavy energy, a collective residue that hangs like a shroud over

them. Our presenter began doing energy healing work, including cleansing desecrated land, four years ago. She will

talk about her healing practice, and her journey with an angelic being and guide who transformed her life and work.

Stacia Blanc, a Special Education teacher for nearly 25 years, was led by her encounters with spirit to a new vocation, and

began doing energy healing four years ago, including her work on battlefields to release spirit energies.

NOV 1 - MUSIC, MIND, AND BRAIN: Symbols in Das Rheingold, first Opera of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung.

Das Rheingold, the most mythic of the four operas that comprise the Ring cycle, deals with gods, giants, dwarves, and

the theft of gold, in settings including the bottom of the Rhine, a descent into Earth and a castle in the sky. Wagner

used German and Norse myths, techniques from Greek Tragedy and various philosophical approaches to portray his

grand view of the world and history. Discussion of Wagner and his life, with selections from a DVD of the opera..

Paul Mazeroff, Ed.D., Senior Lecturer in Psychology. McDaniel College, Director of Training and outpatient

psychologist at Adams Hanover Counseling Services in Hanover, PA.

DEC 6 - PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERIENCES IN PRISON: Dreamwork Behind Bars. Extraordinary things

happen in prisons. In solitary confinement, men are restricted to their cells 23 hours a day. With nowhere to go, some go

out of body. Others put themselves in trance, contacting spirits of dead relatives. Some experience supernatural

warnings. Although con games and manipulation thrive in prison, inmates’ dreams remain valuable to both diagnosis and

treatment, as the primary process language of the dream can’t be faked.

Jack Farrell, Ph.D. spent twenty years working as a psychologist in maximum and medium security prisons. Now retired, he

maintains a small practice in Frederick. Author of Voices Behind the Wall: Ninety Prison Stories, and a work in progress,

Unexpected Gifts: Spiritual Wisdom a Psychologist Learned From Patients.

FEB 7 - DREAM-DRAMA: Theater of the Soul. The interplay between dreams and theater goes back to the ancient

Greek dream-drama cult of Aesculapius (the God of Healing). Active imagination, or ‘dreaming the dream on’, leading

to catharsis, arose within the context of theater, and was used to heal the dreamer and the community of dreamers.

We will explore a synthesis of Moreno's psychodrama and Jungian dream work as a descendant of this archetype of

western healing.

Richard H. Schreder, Ph.D., Psychologist in private practice in Catonsville, MD, Fellow of the American Society of

Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. and Jungian oriented therapist.

MAR 7 - INNER TRUTH: Vibrational Healing, a newly published book. In 2005, the wounded healer archetype caught the

author in its web as he sought treatment for Lyme disease which western medicine had been unable to help. Thus began

a journey that would take him on a healing quest across the ocean to Wales, following the trail of Bach and Bach’s flower

remedies. The discoveries he came upon, both in the variety of alternatives to Western medicine, and in the personal

awakenings to his own ‘inner truth’ about self healing, are the subjects under discussion.

Kevin Zucker, Author, flower essence practitioner, musician, and game designer in Baltimore. He can be contacted

at his website at

APR 4 - PAST LIFE REGRESSION IN THERAPY AND DREAMS. The book, Soul Survivor brought past life dreams

into the public eye through interviews with a child who had night terrors from a past life plane crash. Three BJWG core group

members who have been involved with this subject for many years, lead a discussion of past life case studies and dreams.

Richard Schreder, Ph.D., Jungian based psychologist, past life therapist, Valerie Bigelow, Ph.D. in psychology, active

member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and Vivien Deitz, MSW, clinical social worker and

past life therapist.

MAY 2 - MEDIUMSHIP AND THE MEDIUM. Jung had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, including mediums,

spirits, and life after death. Janet Cyford, a traditional British Spiritualist Medium, will talk with us about her background

and personal experience as a Spiritualist, the mechanics of Mediumship, Spiritual healing, altered states of

awareness, inner attunement, and Mediumistic development. Using symbolism and analogy, she shares her

knowledge of an afterlife beyond death. Janet teaches The highest form of Mediumship requires a self discipline that

enables us to express the Divinity within.”

Janet Cyford, traditional British Spiritualist Medium trained within the Spiritualist Movement in Great Britain. Lecturer,

teacher, and author of The Ring of Chairs - a Medium's Story Her website is


Free parking is available in the lot on East 20th Street across from the Church to the north.

Program time is 2-5 p.m. All are welcome. A donation of $5.00 is requested at the door to defray program expenses.

Student ID holders are admitted free.


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