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Learn to roll your Kayak.

From: John M.
Sent on: Monday, August 4, 2014, 10:04 AM
I'm looking to find someone else interested in taking a full-day roll class through The Outside World hopefully this coming Saturday (8/9) on the Upper Chattahoochie (if they can schedule it). The course is $250 for 2 people (so $125 per person) and starts at 9am in Dawsonville at their store, ending at 5pm. If anyone is interested, please contact me at [address removed].

The course description is:
Whitewater (North Georgia)
Private All Day Instruction

After at least one indoor class the next step is get on the river! You'll start your day at 9:00 am at our store on GA 400 in Dawsonville. Once we size you with the correct gear we will go directly to Lake Lanier to work on wet exits, rolls, paddling strokes, and rescue techniques. After working up an appetite paddling we will break for lunch. Next we will travel to the Upper "Hooch" or an equivalent river. Paddling this section will take between 3-4 hours. We will break at surfing rapid for a snack and to practice surfing and rolls. We'll return to the store at around 5:00 pm. Call ahead for scheduling and reservation.

$250 for 1 or 2 people (call for group rates)
