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New Meetup: Moving water instruction 1- Baraboo River lower section

From: Barbara
Sent on: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 8:41 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Madison Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Moving water instruction 1- Baraboo River lower section

When: Saturday, May 22,[masked]:00 PM

Rutabaga - the paddlesport shop
220 W. Broadway
Madison, WI 53716

Note: This posting is a bit late but has been on the calendar, so hopefully you kept the day open for it. I don't have a meetup place confirmed yet, so I entered Rutabaga as the location to meet just so I could post this meetup. The location to meet will probably change to a location up near the lower section of the Baraboo river.

This meetup will be for first level instruction to moving water (river). Scott Hamstra will lead a group on the lower section of the Baraboo River. This meetup is a prerequisite to the second level moving water II on the Baraboo River. We will have safety gear instruction also at this meetup. More info to come very soon. Sorry this post is late!


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