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*****Korean Meetings.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:08 PM
Hello Everyone,

In this message:
-Meeting dates and venues.
-Korean Day.
-Mallijangseong meetup postponed, Kim Chee House meetup Thursday 19th.

There are three meetings in the near future. The first will take place on
Saturday, August 14th, at 2:00pm, at Shaw Millenium Park,[masked] Av SW. The second will take place on
Thursday, August 19th, at 6:00pm, at City Plaza Asian Food Fair, 303 Centre Street SW. The third will take place on
Sunday, September 12th, at 12:30pm, at Yamato Dessert Cafe, 1322 Centre St NE.

These are 2, 7, and 31 days from now.

Please go NOW and RSVP "YES" for these.

Note that Korean Day Festival is this coming Saturday.

This event starts at 10:00am and lasts until 6:00pm. Please arrive any time you like.

I will arrive about 2:00pm. I wlll try to stand out visually. Please call me on my cell phone at[masked]. Please watch for my green and black sign that says "".

Note that one of our members, Kat is in the Star King talent contest. Let's support her!

Please note that I had to move the Kim Chee House K-food meetup on August 10th.

The Mallijangseong K-food meeting on August 19th has been postponed. Instead, the Kim Chee House K-food meetup has been moved to this date, August 19th.

Please come.

I am looking forward to seeing us all at the meetings!
