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Serving great companies in Santa Monica & Los Angeles

From: JR F.
Sent on: Monday, February 11, 2013, 10:03 AM

As a co-founder of the LA Ruby Meetup group, I try to keep group messaging to a minimum. But I wanted to briefly interrupt your day to ask a favor...  if you are considering changing positions or know someone else that is considering a change, could you please contact me to discuss opportunities?  I have wonderful clients that are looking to hire NOW!

Please drop me a note by email: (jrfent at gmail) or text:[masked] for a confidential conversation.

All the best to you,

JR Fent
LA Ruby Meetup

Co-Founder & Co-Organizer
JR Fent Search Group
Los Angeles, CA
jrfent at gmail 
direct phone:[masked]


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