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New Meetup: Tan-Tan Men at Chin-Ma-Ya

From: Jeff
Sent on: Monday, April 13, 2009, 3:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Craving for ASIAN FOOD!

What: Tan-Tan Men at Chin-Ma-Ya

When: April 18,[masked]:15 AM

Where: 123 Astronaut Ellison S Onizuka St
Weller Court 2F (2ndFloor)
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Meetup Description: The ramen at Chin-Ma-Ya has been rated at number 7 on the Rameniac's "2009 King of the Bowl" Rankings for the Los Angeles area. According to the Rameniac, Chin-Ma-Ya is an American outpost of a popular Japanese chain, this Little Tokyo ramen shop features tan-tan men, a spicy, Shisen-style take on ramen, alongside ?Chin-Ma Han,? which is basically mabo tofu over rice. Token shoyu and shio ramen, gyoza and karaage fried chicken round out the spartan menu, which deliberately touts the health benefits of capsaicin and ma ratsu, the mixture of tongue-numbing Sichuan peppercorns and chilis used in signature Chin-Ma recipes.

Even cranked up full blast however, Chin-Ma?s tan-tan men is relatively mild stuff, inciting a low, constant burn on the tongue when it should sear. The soup is solid and authentic; with a saucy, almost peanut buttery consistency a la satay or Chinese sa-cha paste.

I really like the ramen here and I think you might too if you like your ramen spicy. My friends who don't enjoy spicy food like I do think that the "mild" level of spice still has a good little kick to it. Take a look at the menu before you RSVP Menu.

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