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Re: [lawofattraction-259] Stepping Down As Organizer--Forming New Meet-Up

From: Arose
Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 7:16 PM
Hi Lynn
Can you add me to your new group?

[address removed]> wrote:
Hello All!!

As we have discussed, all we are is change....and I've changed. Recently, I have expanded my thoughts around the Law of Attraction and by doing so, it has inspired me to create a new ground-breaking meet-up called The Culture of Heaven. Here's the link:

I am very excited to have this new meetup and plan to carry the same positive energy, fun, humor and supportive learning environment with's just the topic will be different.

I will be sharing my learnings as a spiritual activist working with the Dream Heaven Campaign and we will explore the spiritual side to ourselves...guided by the Source perspective. Some of the topics I plan to cover are:

How to quiet the mind and discover the answers you already have within you
How to manifest, made in heaven health, abundance and relationships
Curious about your mission? Explore what you were created to do
Spritual Activism--How to Never Have Another Boring Day

Well, that's just a few samples....If you are open and receptive, then come on over to my new group...It's going to be a blast!!!

I will be stepping down as organizer of this group and I think it goes away in about 15 days or so...It has been my honor to meet all of you amazing beings. Looking forward to the next time we meet. smile

With Love,
LynnCome Join my new meetup group

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