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Change Law of Attraction Groups? Lynn's LOA #252 is closing, so move to the Original Law of Attraction Group #112 (Read Eamil)

From: Jonathan Wood L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6:34 PM

Hello LOA Friends Looking for a New, Healthy, Positive LOA Home in PDX!


There is another Law of Attraction group in Portland you can join today.   We started it quite a while ago and then stopped doing big group meetings last Summer because there were 3 other groups that started up (including Lynn’s).


I just spoke to a few of the core members.  Now that Lynn is shutting this one (#295) down, we’re going to get the Group 112 back up and running – and have some wonderful, fun, positive and creative Law of Attraction Meet-Ups! 


So – two questions for each of you!


#1 – Please feel free to join the Original Portland Law of Attraction Meet-Up.

#2 – Please email me – Jonathan – with your top 3 positive ideas for positive, helpful and fun Law of Attraction Meet-Ups for Portland – Vancouver Metro.


Several have suggested a movie showing (The Secret, etc.), Free Law of Attraction Trainings, Pot-Lucks, or even my “Power of Visioneering – Practical, Hands on Engineering Your Passion & Goals into Reality” seminar.   What’s your idea?  What inspires you?  What would you like to see?


All the very best!






Jonathan W. Logan, Esq.

~ Founder | Social Entrepreneur

Better World Mortgage™

~ The Sustainable, Green and Socially Responsible Mortgage Referral Network™

25 NW 23rd Place, #290

Portland, Oregon 97210

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From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Ellie Treinen
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 3:14 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [lawofattraction-259] Just checking.


Hi.... I have not met any of you yet. I subscribed to this group because I highly believe in the law of attraction and what it has to offer. I have been recieving emails since then. Sometimes I take a little time out of my extremely busy day to read what is said, since I have been trying to get to the group but am incredibly busy with furthering my licenses and so on (I work in portland as a financial advisor) I have not yet been able to attend and I am very glad I did not. As an outside point of view paul is RIGHT ON in his last email. I read the court document and clearly this woman sherry is insane and so is anyone who takes their time to "practice" any od this irrelevant and crazy information this woman says. Lynn who ever you are if this is someone you associate with I am clearly blessed to have never taken part in this meet up group.



On Feb 6,[masked]:00 PM, Paul <[address removed]> wrote:



So has anyone else figured out that Sherry Daniels is, at the very least insane, or even criminaly insane?


A word to the wise. There is no such thing as a Dream Disc. Which is why you can't see it.


There is no "Correct Exchange" for an invisible and non-existant object. (See her really bizarre site for details, and listen to the NLP imbedded audio clips.)


I'd choose the muted version.


Sorry to burst anyones bubble, but that's reality folks and Sherry is a blatant crook or at the very least, schizophrenic.


If you don't see this, and are snowed by the NLP (That's NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING, look it up) and flowery lingo she and yes you Lynn use, then that's cool I suppose, but this all rings of CULT to me and to quite a few others who are investigating this new and "improved" Heaven's Gate, or whatever you want to call it cult of your's.


Sherry is no more connected to the source than you or I, and is clearly all about making money. Your money to be exact.


She wields the title of Ph.D like a sword so to speak.


Why her title of Ph.D should even make a difference in her cult like endeavor is for you to decide, since most universities don't offer post grad degrees in insanity, but suffice it to say that she is less a doctor and more phonetically speaking a FUDD.


I could be wrong, but I'm not.


If you give her one penny out of your pocket or God forbid $621 for a "Soul Reading" then you are a class A sucker and P.T. Barnum would have loved you, although he was a bit more honest then Ms. Daniels FUDD.


I sincerely hope that you Lynn Sanders aren't intentionally caught up in this mess, but I think she's got you hypnotized or at the least, brainwashed. No one is as happy as you are, unless they are high on something, in this case perhaps it's Sherry? I know you don't drink.


I fully expect you to become defensive here and welcome it, but I warn you that such correspondence is being shared with various cult watch groups internationally.


Reason being that I have lost friends to another cult or two over time and I am not willing to put up with this bullshit from one so blatant as the new Ms Daniels FUDD cult.


Lynn, you do use NLP don't you? You just graduated from a course I hear.


Everybody ask Lynn to explain away that one, I'm sure she'll be able to come up with something believable.


Lynn just tell them that I'm crazy, that one might work.


Or use the one about people always coming down on "beings" that are just trying to make the world a better place.


They'll like that one.


Lynn I like you, sincerely I do, and the rest of you seem like well meaning and kind hearted folks.


Just don't rely on outside personalities to guide you.


You have what it takes inside of you to be very happy and successful as long as no crooked folks get their mits on you.


If any of this rings true to you at all, then follow up with questions and your own research.


Lynn and Sherry will have the answers you want to hear.


But, they have them pre-prepared.


The best answers are the ones you will get from your own conscience if you sit quietly long enough to hear them.


God Bless and good luck.


Best to you all, and just wake up, it's all you are obligated to do in life.


Waking up is FREE by the way.


As always,





Paul <[address removed]> wrote:

Hey all,


Just wanted to see if everyone really does get this in one mass e-mail.


If so, more follows.



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