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A Different Perspective - Photos From Space

From: Daniel C.
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 4:19 PM

Here's something really big, you will not want to miss out.  This meeting, June 3rd at 7pm, we have a very special speaker from Caltech who is a self-proclaimed Space Nut, and an avid space exploration advocate. With a growing interest in amateur photography, Mark Lucas will present a talk on his favorite subject, space exploration, with some very striking photos from space.


As Lead System Administrator for Microsoft servers and Cisco Firewalls at Caltech, Mark Lucas spends his days fighting to keep the “bad guys” out of the Caltech infrastructure.  He holds a SANS Global Information Assurance Certification in Windows System Administration and can survive on copious amounts of Sumatran coffee.

In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, weight lifting, and when his trick knee permits, Kenpo karate.  As an avid space exploration advocate, he volunteers on Sundays at the California Science Center Shuttle Endeavour Exhibit.  Recently, he helped organize Yuri’s Night – 1 of 400+ world space parties – under the shuttle.

Mark joined Caltech Toastmasters in Spring 2012.  He has served as Club and Division Secretary and has judged or served as Chief Judge for over 25 contests this year.  He and his other half Karen Baumgartner are working on their Accredited Speaker certifications.

Mark and Karen live in Azusa with their two children, Xavier, 6, and Emily, 4 who are students at Oasis Trilingual Community School.

If you have any interest in the topics of space exploration, RSVP and plan to attend this very informative and visually impressive meeting.


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