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Re: [libertarian-352] Fwd: Sandy Hook Elementary - Newtown, Connecticut and the Ghosts of 9-11

From: Joe E.
Sent on: Monday, December 17, 2012, 8:32 AM
From the press release: "It makes no sense for our nation or our state to institutionalize the victimization of our children."

It makes "perfect sense" in the minds of those who seek to wield political power over their fellow humans. They  WANT victims; they WANT people feeling "helpless and lost."

They cannot build the sort of "political power structures" they want if people are feeling confident and in control of their lives. They NEED victims for the sort of sick world they crave. While they may publicly make statements suggesting they mourn for the children who have died in something like the Connecticut school shooting (and they may feel some genuine grief), inside, they secretly revel in the tragedy because they know they can use it as a stepping-stone to help bring the world filled with "slaves to them" they crave.

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Victor Kocher <[address removed]> wrote:
The following press release was faxed to 15 Daily newspapers and 81 weekly newspapers
-----Original Message-----
From: libertarian29223 <[address removed]>
To: libertarian-338 <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Dec 16,[masked]:50 pm
Subject: Sandy Hook Elementary - Newtown, Connecticut and the Ghosts of 9-11

SCLP responds to Friday's shootings

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