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Booting SUSE Linux w/o Gnome Desktop

From: Dock
Sent on: Thursday, May 10, 2007, 12:26 AM
I know the answer is probably simple but I have Suse Linux 10.1 and by
default it loads Gnome Desktop. I'd rather have it boot up to the BASH
shell. I know there is some startup BASH script (I am not sure of the
scripts name) or file where I can make this change, perhaps ".bashrc". If
anyone can help me I would be grateful. 

Also along the same lines, I would like to be able to start Gnome or KDE
from a bash shell manually. Also once you have an instance of KDE or Gnome
running, I can't seem to remember the keystrokes to switch back and forth
between that and a BASH shell.


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