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Re: [linux-392] Closing the poll for meetup topic. Please RSVP

From: Luis M.
Sent on: Friday, January 11, 2008, 12:18 PM

On Jan 10,[masked]:07 AM, phil <[address removed]> wrote:
> I use Mythtv on Fedora 8 (So I am unbiased) but for an easy frontend
> check out MythBuntu, it has a GUI config and is really easy.

The winning quote:

Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to the Ubuntu Community. This allows easy conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu closely follows that of Ubuntu, releasing every six months shortly after Ubuntu releases.

(of course, my opinion is biased, as I'm a debian user who uses Ubuntu for its desktops)

I'm looking forward to this meetup!

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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