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Marching Bands tonight, "Other Awareness Project "12/21

From: KaRi from T.
Sent on: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 9:47 AM
Below is an invite by Michael Brown I am sharing with you - Stay tuned for the event listing... TONIGHT, if you like marching bands, attend the BELMONT SHORE PARADE with 60,000+ Look for somewhere in between Little League and the AMERICAN RED CROSS. The interview will be on ThePrimeSpot.TV this weekend!

My name is Michael James Brown, writer/producer of
the Other Awareness Project. I will be at The Cellar in Long
Beach, CA at 3PM on 12/21 showing and discussing the
documentary portion of my project. I'm an avid listener to the
Blues and this project has been greatly influenced by the
Blues! I think this would be a good meet up for the group to
know about.

The Other Awareness Project is a thought-provoking, humorous
mixture of film documentary, stand-up comedy, and audience
discussion that looks into what I think is the continued
incorrect categorization of people into ?racial? groups by skin
color and other arbitrary things, in light of everything we
know scientifically, legally, religiously, just about any way
you want to look at it. In this era of ?keeping it real",
internet access, DNA research, why do intelligent people still
classify themselves into ?racial? groups? And, is it helping
to solve any problems?

Although we touch upon a wide variety of topics, the project isn't focused
on racism or past wrongdoings, real or perceived. It's more focused on today and
tomorrow, and helping to discover what is the best plan going forward that
everyone can support. A secondary purpose is to see if there are people who can
live without calling themselves or anyone else, any of the legally undefined and
arbitrary labels. "What is the continued value of using these words?"

SPECIFICS and BACKGROUND on this project coming soon!
For NOW mark your Calendars!

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