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Tournament for charity: final details. RSVP you still have time!!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Sunday, September 8, 2013, 4:41 PM


Hi all here are the details for the tournament read up:

1. Tournament:

Registration from 11 Am. We have the place until 6PM

Teams of 4. 2 girls on court at all times. 2 sets of 15. Teams will have to referee for each other as well.

2. Food:

Ladies will be baking cakes and we will order some pizza to sell slizes. If anyone wants to bring anything else great. We expect you to try the cakes and Grade them until we can choose the best cake of the day

3. Drink:

We will brink some soft drinks and beer for sale on the day.

4. Massages

Zoe: will be offering sports massage

Mark: will bring his massage chair

5. In case it rains: We will do board ames and Karaoke inside :) unless someone has a pingpong table...

6. Facilities: There are changing rooms and showers at the venue

7. Donations: we will keep a pot for donations at the place and will keep our paypal account open for donations dont be shy!

8. RSVP: still open here

9. Things we still need that you can bring or help with

Bring cash on the day to buy  all our goodies :) We need Ice loads of ice can you  bring some? : do let me know in a comment

We need volunteers to buy some beer/soft drinks

Dont forget your camera

Ill bring some speakers for some music if you have a great play list on your mobile bring it!

Looking forward to it!!

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