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London SoliBad Badminton Tournament 21-22 June 2014

From: Vinh Q.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 1:59 PM
If you are interest in playing in the SoliBad tournament, you must register to play asap, over 60% player has already register!
There is around 50 places left, it will be full in the next few weeks!
Come to play at the Biggest Badminton Tournament of the Year!

How would you like to combine partying and badminton in one weekend?
Well you can now with 'London SoliBad Badminton Tournament 21-22 June 2014'.
Why not join the LondonMet team to raise money for charity for a good cause!
See link:
You can play in any 2 disciplines per participant: Singles, Doubles or Mixed.
There are 4 skill level:
A. Elite players – e.g. represented your country, your province, your county team - Feather
B. Advanced – e.g. below county level, plays competitively for your club - Feather
C. Intermediate – e.g. played badminton for a number of years and regularly - Feather
D. Beginner – e.g. first time playing, or less than 3 years socially – Plastic or Feather if preferred

Please come to join the LondonMet team!
Last year LondonMet team won 4 trophies at this tournament.
This year my master plan is to double the trophies we won last year!
Closing date is Friday 24th May 2014.

Info also available on our meetup web site:


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