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RPGA Sanctioned events

From: Steven
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2008, 3:20 PM
Hello everyone! Steve here with some updated kool stuff for ya. Some of our games from WotC will now be sanctioned events. This means basically that the GM's running said events are official GM's and that the players playing these events are serious players. This is a big step towards making ourselves a popular group and adding more players and events to our calender. The koolest thing of all is that the more you play/GM WotC sends you a bunch of free stuff like stickers, miniatures, books, etc. The two big games we play now under WotC are D&D 3.5 and Star Wars, so if you play either one of these with us, SIGN UP!!

If you want to join the RPGA, send an e-mail to [address removed], and request a card. In that e-mail, you will need to give them your name and full snail-mail address. They'll then send you the application form (via snail-mail), which includes your new number. When you get the form, fill it out, detach the part of the card that is now your membership card, and mail the rest of the card back to the RPGA.

When I did min, I e-mailed him all my stuff like name, address, and phone number, and he signed me up right then and there. Got my kool card in a week!

Please everyone do this so we can get more stuff!!