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Law of Attraction

From: Mary Ann N.
Sent on: Monday, July 1, 2013, 2:51 PM

Hi Everyone,

What an amazing meeting we had!  Thanks for the participation of all.  I'm writing to let you all know that we will not be meeting for the summer, actually July, August and September.  Carol will be traveling and so the room in her complex will not be available.  We will resume in the fall.  We are looking, at this time, for people who would like to be back-up facilitators in the case that Heidi and myself are not available.  We have, at this point, some very knowledgeable people who have a lot to share.  I will always have Abraham materials available for use, cd's and dvd's.  So let us know if this is something you might be interested in.  I can tell you that it is very rewarding.  Have a wonderful summer all of you.


Many Blessings,

Mary Ann