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Happy Spring!

From: Heidi F K.
Sent on: Monday, April 27, 2015, 1:57 PM

Many Blessings to all of you fellow Conscious Co-Creators!

For those that don't know me, I am the organizer of the Law of Attraction meetup group... I hope you have been able to enjoy some of the beautiful Spring days we have had here in Wisconsin. I have created a beautiful life, a business around the Law of Attraction, my Spirituality, the Universe, everything being energy....

I am pleased to announce the energy work I do as the Intuitive Realtor/Healer, using the Law of Attraction. As far as I know, I am the only Realtor that actively/openly does business this way. Recently, I was approached by two television companies about doing a series! I am certainly flattered!

Here is the list that I do for my real estate clients beyond traditional real estate.

1. Space/Energy Clearings (on your home): Clearing the energy in your home (so we can attract the perfect buyer) or the home you are purchasing (to clear out the old owner’s energy and make it yours!)
2. Energy Healings (on your body): Clearing and aligning the energy in your body, raising your vibration to attract the new life you want!
3. Meditations: I have a meditation that helps home owners detach themselves from the home or meditations to attract the perfect home for you!
4. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping: This is a very easy technique to clear energy blocks to attract the life you desire!
5. Vision Boards: This is something I will give you tips, guidance, to help you dream and attract the life you love!
6. Altars: Creating an altar in your home, using special objects, photos, plants, etc, to represent the new life you want!
7. Visualization: I will make a personal recording for you to listen to. This not only would have your dream home in it, but your dream life.

Feel free to pass this info on to friends and family that may be interested in my unique services.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Much love and light!

Heidi Kelley
the Intuitive Realtor/Healer
Keller Williams Realty
[address removed]



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