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Exhibition: Game of Crowns! The 1715 Jacobite Rising! Last DAY IT’S ON!

From: Don
Sent on: Saturday, May 9, 2015, 2:39 PM
  • Tomorrow with the National Library of Scotland

    George IV Bridge
    EH1 1EW

    Don will be standing outside the entrance.

  • Treachery, power struggles, royal in-fighting and religious wrangling are all reflected in the 'Game of Crowns' exhibition at the National Library of Scotland.

    The exhibition tells the story of the 1715 Jacobite rising as the 300th anniversary approaches. Using contemporary records, books, maps, portraits and songs, it explains this turbulent period of British history.

    One of the documents on display will be the order for the massacre of Glencoe in 1692, when 38 members of the clan MacDonald were slaughtered because of their suspected Jacobite sympathies.

    The exhibition looks in detail at the period from 1688 to 1715 and the fierce contest for Crown of Great Britain, closing with a look ahead to 1745.