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New Meetup: Make:SF - Feb 10th 2009 Downtown SF

From: Make:SF M.
Sent on: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 5:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Make:SF - the Bay Makers!

What: Make:SF - Feb 10th 2009 Downtown SF

When: February 10,[masked]:30 PM

Donation: $5.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Couple of new things... the Menlo Park meeting was moved to tomorrow Feb 8th due to the Superbowl. (Normally the first Sunday of the month) And so this meeting Downtown SF follows on the 10th.

We've created a Twitter name of MakeSF and tag of #MakeSF. Any tweets with #MakeSF in them will post to the right column of the MakeSF homepage, so feel free to contribute.

If you need a ride or would like to share a ride to either meeting please post in the comments section of the meeting you are referring to. This will allow you to get the message out to the right people in the right place. (I'll tweet a reminder to check) This will make it more easy to get to TechShop in particular, and provide an opportunity to better know a fellow maker or two.

Feel free to bring in a project to share, or something in progress, or just come and see what other folks are working on. In the past we've seen projects from woodworking to electronics to product hacks.

Being there
You can attend meetings at either or both locations, which ever works better for you. We have a video projector at both locations if you have a project web site, or want to share Flickr photos.

Again, we are now charging $5 to cover some of the costs (the domain, web hosting fees, advertising costs, etc. and to provide us with some flexibility to offer some goodies.) Use PayPal if you like or bring cash. I'll use the RSVPs to know how much Pizza to bring!

Thanks, and Email if you have questions,

(Also, the call for Makerfaire 2009 is open!)

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