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Meeting Tomorrow

From: Josh W.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 12:54 PM
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about tomorrow's meeting. Andy Susich will be this week's guest facilitator and he'll be telling you about our project that we're working on to deliver live news and entertainment video over the web.

Also, BAMM member Donna Lee has a new documentary that was selected for the Mill Valley Film Festival and asked me to let you guys know about her film. It's about me, and it's called Adventures of Josh Wolf: Activist Video Blogger.

She's asked me to cut a trailer for it because she'll be traveling for the next couple weeks but the film will be playing at 9PM on October 3 and 4:15PM on Oct. 11.

As I wrote a couple months ago, I'm unfortunately unable to make BAMM meetings with my current job schedule but we're planning to add a more informal Friday night happy hour at an SF bar soon that I should be able to attend. I'll keep you posted on the details.

[address removed]

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