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Meditation Special Guest :A powerful evening of chanting & meditation

From: Brett J.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 7:15 PM
Join us this thursday to experience the power of song and chanting in meditation.

If you have never experienced chanting your in for a real treat. Chanting can powerfully open you and raise your consciousness to states of joy and bliss.

About our guest:

Prajna (Brianna Vieira) has been both a musician and spiritual seeker since early childhood. Being raised in a very spiritual family and community, she was exposed to the joy of singing the divine names at a young age, when her father returned from a trip to India . The family attended a satsang together and the sweetness of bhajan left a deep impression in her. In 1999 Prajna met her beloved satguru, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), and her love of the divine name was rekindled. She began composing her own devotional music, which was part kirtan/bhajan, and part love song to God, drawing from devotional music of many of the world's wisdom traditions. To share this divine love and experience of joyous homecoming through prayerful song is an unending blessing for Prajna. She says, "When we sing the holy names, we call forth aspects of the Divine not different from our own selves... we get a taste of who we are. Calling these various expressions of wholeness into our environment simultaneously calls forth the expression of wholeness within."

Prajna teaches yoga and meditation in San Jose , CA , where she lives and works with her teachers, Madar and Trikaya. She offers Sacred Sound events and meditations with her husband, Anaghan, and is hoping to complete the recording of a kirtan album this summer. Please visit and for more information.

When: Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 6:30 PM

Where: San Jose Center for Spiritual Living
1195 Clark St
San Jose, CA 95125

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP 'No' or 'Maybe' as well as 'Yes'.)

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