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DVD "Dances Of Ecstacy" 3 p.m. Sunday 28/11

From: Stefan A.
Sent on: Friday, November 19, 2010, 11:29 AM
"We all want to belong, to feel that we are part of something greater than our individual selves. Through interweaving traditional and contemporary rituals, we wanted to illuminate the spiritual vacuum and deep loss of community that exists in our modern lives in this time. We hope this DVD will inspire people to reconnect with that sacred source." Nicole Ma.

"A human being is just that; energy, waves, patterns, rhythms?Nothing more, nothing less?
A dance?" Gabrielle Roth.

A journey through rhythm, dance and music around the world visits Namibia, Korea, Nigeria, New York, Brazil, Turkey, Morocco, USA and Australia, interweaving traditional and contemporary ecstatic dance rituals.

Four illuminating documentaries about various rituals portrayed in the film and a closer look at a 'whirling dervishes' ritual.

"This DVD is a work of art, filled with the beauty and power of music and dance, reminding us all that the potential for wonder and serenity lies in the total emergence of one's self in the moment of passion, and what a metamorphosis lies patiently in store for those willing to surrender to the joy of dance and music!" Justine Bradley.

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