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Autumn Course and Retreat: Registration is open

From: BFF of C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 18, 2014, 6:59 PM

Autumn Mindfulness Retreat

10/26. Our autumn one-day Mindfulness Retreat will take place at the beautiful Dae Yen Sa Temple in New Hartford, Connecticut. The theme is In This Very Moment where life is truly lived. Practice the art of impartial present time awareness that calms the mind so your heart can open to true peace, interconnectedness, and gratitude. Beginners to the most advanced are welcomed. Basic instruction will be given to beginners and to those who need a refresher lesson.

Our one-day retreat includes: sitting meditation walking meditation, qigong, voice meditation, noble silence, discussions, and a delicious Korean vegetarian lunch.

Retreat Time: from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
To learn and register, visit the New England Institute for Buddhist Studies at

Discovering Shin Buddhism Course

This popular 3 month introductory course is offered each autumn to provide a practical yet comprehensive look at the foundations and development of the Shin tradition. This course studies two classic Shin texts and provides plenty of discussion time to further student understanding. The goal is to enable the student to achieve a better practice and to live the teachings of the dharma through the Shin tradition.

If you are seeking spiritual transformation, are just curious and want to learn more about Shin Buddhism, or you just want to deepen your practice and knowledge of Shin, you are invited to participate.

To learn more and register, visit the New England Institute for Buddhist Studies at

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