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New Meetup: Mini Meditation Retreat

From: Sandy G.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 7:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Science of Spirituality Meditation Meetup!

What: Mini Meditation Retreat

When: Saturday, May 22,[masked]:00 AM

Scandinavian Living Center
206 Waltham St., W. Newton
West Newton, MA 02465

An Adventures in Consciousness Morning Meditation Retreat.
10:00 am -- OUR DIVINE POTENTIAL with Allan Hughes, DC
The purpose of meditation is to wake up, to start experiencing the world in a different way. This is the beginning of consciousness, the potential we all carry within us.
11:15 am -- STAYING SANE IN AN INSANE WORLD with Zelma Chamberlain, DC
What's in control of your life -- the stress of the outside world or the strength from your inner one? The world may be insane, but you don't have to be. There is a way out.
This retreat includes meditation periods and a complimentary light vegetarian lunch.
Registration required.
Free on-street parking. Please do not park in driveway.

Learn more here: