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Songwriters Camp booking for Hamilton Island is closed.

From: Jacques G.
Sent on: Thursday, June 5, 2014, 11:16 PM


To All Melbourne meetup members,

I have been asked if the updated email you received from our songwriters
meetup about the songwriters camp at Hamilton Island means that booking is still

The email was automated and due to me forgetting to enter the date limit to when the booking was closed, end of March on the meetup website's settings. We are NOT taking any more bookings and the event is now limited to a group of collaborators working on some high profile projects.

Should anyone else wish to be involved in our future camps, we will be announcing the them early enough so the opportunity is not missed.

Have a great long weekend.

Kind regards,

Jacques M. Gentil

Music Publisher / Songwriting Instructor / Organiser


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