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Give it a Chance to the New Organizer

From: Carlos L.
Sent on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 1:36 PM

Hi there


Metaverse Meetup was abandoned by it´s old Organizer and the Role became free for first arriver


Im now the new organizer and I´m asking everyone to give me a chance for few days and wait for next developments, than later judge if this group is still worth while, ok ?


I m from Portugal7Europe and will mainly develop Second Life InWorld Meetups around Education, Business, Culture & Entertainment


I have 4 years experience on Second Life as a Sim Builder, Community Manager, Class teacher and event Organizer so I believe I can manage to use all unique SL potential, get people together and share some serious and fine interactive experiences, not only dropping events but mainly promoting new projects and friendships, developing communication, learning and collaboration


Although the InWorld Land we will mainly use is an Atol Resort where i rent Homes (Its expensive to get new lands and this one has many free areas and features), I here do promise that all events and uses for the Metaverse Meetup will be held totally free and even some also free support may be given to Entrepreneurs and People with useful projects


The first Meetup already scheduled is merely an ice breaker so people, dont think is gona be only Live music and Dancing, it will become very soon much more that that !!!


Thanks for your trust in advance, please stay alert and Join Us to explore, learn and develop interesting and useful innovative projects


Yours - RL - Carlos Loff /// SL - Loff Auer

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