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Thoughts on Topics

From: Mike W.
Sent on: Monday, January 9, 2012, 9:04 AM

Hello Folks,

I was thinking after the last meetup that we should do some simple re-organization of topics so that we could include some various topics to be able to be more inclusive with all skill levels.  I realize that many times we have more advanced topics and we should likely even those out.

I was thinking that the format could be more around the following:

  • Back to the Basics ( Core PHP - SPL / PDO / Regular Expressions / databases / arrays / etc)
  • Frameworks / Productivity / Other Products
  • Advanced PHP


What does everyone think about that?  If we could line up 2 - 3 presentations each week I think it would be a huge bonus or at least having people talk about what they are doing and how they are doing it as well.  Other thoughts - we could have some vendors do some webinar style talks.

Send a response back to the mailing list with your thoughts; we can only make this group as good as everyone helps to make it.

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