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Re: [tcCannabisClub] Should I run for the Minnesota Senate?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, August 15, 2011, 7:30 PM
Hello all;
The petitions actually have multiple functions; first they are a visible action, the fact that we are circulating them brings momentum to our cause. Second they can be used just as their predecessors were here in Minnesota’s 8th congressional District. Our petitions were used with local candidates, state reps, and the Governors office. Third they were used to build a support base that  as I said before would have been much better and easier to use had we collected e-mail addresses. The petition is a very easy, low budget way, to connect with our base and give them ownership in the process. I haven’t seen the rule book for the State Fair in about 4 years now so I can’t remember what the rules are on roving efforts such as what I am suggesting here.
W. D. (Bill) Hamm

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