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Get together at Monika's this Sat 1/24/09

From: Eileen
Sent on: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 12:14 AM
Hello all,

One of our members Monika has graciously offered to host a casual gathering at her home this Saturday 1/24/09 at 4 PM. She lives in the Mid-Cities area. This is a great opportunity for members who were unable to attend the last meetup or for members who live in Fort Worth or Mid-Cities.

There isn't a formal agenda. The focus will be on sharing, healing, fellowship, and having some fun. Monika just asks that you bring a favorite snack or drink. You are welcome to bring any helpful or inspiring workbooks, reading materials, or exercises. She has board games as well. Allergy alert...Monika has cats.

For those who want to attend, please reply to this email. I will then forward Monika's address to the members who reply. I will also post this get together on our website and message board. Limit is 8.

See you there!

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