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Another quick posting from the PittStop Mini Club...

From: dave a.
Sent on: Friday, January 29, 2010, 9:15 AM
For those of you who do not get emails from PittStop, here is an update on there winter events...

It snowed. Again. And my neighbors encouraged me not to pull e-brake u-turns in front of my driveway. Again. What to do about these winter blahs? How about expanding the February 21 5th annual PittStopMINI Wintry Driving Refresher to offer more fun? Yeah, that may do it...
Let?s go it one or two better: Let?s team up with Mini of Pittsburgh to make it bigger. Let's bring some new Minis for me to check out. Let's get permission to run Minis on BeaveRun?s go-kart track - in the snow. Let's get great, pro-level driving instructors to sit in and offer us low-pressure, individual, fun tips on better vehicle handling. Let us drive at our own pace, learning and having a BLAST.
Oh ? and let's serve coffee, juice and donuts. I?m worthless without them.
Sound good?
Register Here

Huge thanks to Mini of Pittsburgh and BeaveRun!
February 21: Wintry Driving Skills Refresher! This is always a blast, even more so for folks who DON?T usually come to driving events! Join us at BeaveRun for driver and vehicle dynamics education in a high-fun environment. This is a high-class place, and the instructors at BeaveRun are among the most patient, kind people on the planet. I'm even bringing my teenagers so they can get some extra experience in a great, safe environment.

Upcoming events:
- Mid March: CASINO NIGHT! Be grownups (mostly), get dressed up, meet at the Casino, and have some fun!
- April: Trolley Museum tour - Washington, PA
- April into May: Meet at Minis On The Dragon, at PittStopMINI's Bingo Night and Dragon Draggin' events

Questions? Visit the website www.pittstopmini,org, or email us at [address removed] !

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