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Ride Like A Girl - Zilker Park

Photo of Vallarie S.
Hosted By
Vallarie S.


All riders must bring a trail-worthy bike, closed-toe shoes, water and a helmet to each ride. If you have questions regarding equipment or clothing or anything else that comes to mind, please feel free to leave a message below or on the RLAG Facebook page (link below).

ATTENTION MEN! Spread the word about the RLAG rides and encourage the women in your life to come out and ride with us!

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Based on the theory that women learn new skills differently from men, rides are designated as “for women only”.

The concept is simple: the “girls” meet at local bike trails for group rides and mountain biking skills instruction. Riders break into small groups based on ability and then hit the trail Post ride, the ladies regroup for a raffle of prizes donated by local bike shops and a growing number of manufacturers. The Austin Ridge Riders, Ride Like A Girl is completely self supporting and estrogen powered!

Photo of Austin Ridge Riders Mountain Bike Club group
Austin Ridge Riders Mountain Bike Club
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Zilker Park Polo Tables
2300 Andrew Zilker Drive · Austin, TX