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Free Admission

From: Agave
Sent on: Friday, July 11, 2014, 11:40 AM

Ahoy! Ye have RSVPed that ye are coming to the Pirate Poker Run at Lake Lanier and I need to be givin' the gate people a list of names for free admission to Lake Lanier Islands. Just need one name per car. If ye are staying at the hotel, ye don't need to be on this list and if ye are coming by boat, ye don't need to be on this list. Please carpool as much as possible.

If you want to come out for the Captains' Dinner and auction on Friday night, please email me so I can get you on the gate list for Friday. The dinner is a BBQ meal that costs $15.00.

Please email me one name per car for the gate list by Monday, July 14th.


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