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Re: [movies-579] PLEASE READ - Dates revised for some events!

From: Lara S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 12:11 PM
I've been looking for a West African dance class.
Any thing like that happening in and around your drumming?


Sent from my iPad

On Feb 27, 2013, at 9:32 AM, Dan <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello gang,

I once again need to make a few small changes.  I'll be changing the days for three different movies (Skyfall, Zero Dark Thirty, and Lincoln) but they will still be happening the same weeks, just moved by a day or three.  I just signed up for a Monday night African drumming class which I am very excited for, so forgive me but that takes precedence!  I studied drumming in Ghana back in '99 and I've been wanting to get back into it for a while.

Anyway thanks for your understanding, and I look forward to many a movie night to come!



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