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May 5th Movie --

From: Rosemary
Sent on: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 8:45 AM

I just received the following and wanted to pass it along to everyone -- enjoy!   Rosemary


I'm associated with this independent film, which will be screening two shows at the Crest on Sunday, May 5. The film was written by a local San Francisco person (ex SF Chronicle writer), filmed in SF's Japan town, with an all local cast and crew. It was chosen by SF's JTown Cherry Blossom Festival and premiered on April 20th at the Kabuki cinema in Jtown. Its a darling 90 minute film, made up of several interlinked vingettes. I believe your members would enjoy it tremendously. I'm trying to get the word out, and would appreciate if you could circulate this among your film group? As an indie film, the marketing budget is non-existent, thus any help would be wonderful! I would like to post it on this website, but do not want to spam post. Would you be so kind to post it? I really do think your members would enjoy it. Here is a link to the film's website for tickets, etc.

Regards, Allyson

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