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Some possible chess recommendations from Alan

From: Alan C.
Sent on: Friday, April 23, 2010, 3:03 PM

Dear Carrboro Chess Club:

I have a really good time giving a chess lecture and simul at your club a few weeks back.? I am now following up that lecture with a promised note on recommended chess materials for improving your game.? As I think about this task, I find it to be very difficult to do as there are so many good (and some not so good) chess books available.? Also, depending on your skill level, and style, your choice would differ.? I will try to put something down on paper but trust me; I am concerned of its accuracy.? These lists are in a loose order with most preferred being listed first.? I also leaned toward the newer books.

-          My favorite authors:

o   Silman (may be the best for 1200 – 1600 strength players)

o   Nunn

o   Dvoretsky (1800 – 2600)

o   Watson

o   Seriwan ( 1000 - 1400)

o   Yusupov

o   Mednis

-          My Favorite Publishers

o   Quality Books

o   Gambit

o   Everyman

-          My Favorite books of all time

o   Chess for Zebra’s – Rowson

o   Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy – Watson

o   Improve Your Chess Now – Tisdall

o   Build your Chess 1-3 – Yusupov

-          My Favorite Game Collections ( I am showing my age here… sorry)

o   My 60 Memorial Games – Fischer

o   Larsen’s Selected games of Chess – Larsen

?  When looking at the games from the greats of the past, it is important to look at their review of the games and not those of others

-          My Favorite Endgame Books

o   Learning

?  Silman’s Complete Endgame Course

?  Endgame Strategy – Shereshevsky

o   Reference

?  Fundamental Chess Endings – Muller

?  Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual

-          My Favorite Middle Game Books

o   Tactics

?  A Course in Chess Tactics

?         Probably because I am looking at it now… brand new

?  Learn Chess Tactics - Nunn

o   Strategy

?  Strategy for Club Players

?         Probably because I am looking at it now….? Pretty new

?  School of Chess Excellence 3 – Strategic Play – Dvoretsky

-          My Favorite Opening Books

o   This really depends on the openings that you play but I would stay with the publishers mentioned earlier.? I really do like the work done my Dzindzichashvilli and crew on the books:

?  Chess Openings for Black, Explained? ?????2nd Edition

?  Chess Openings for White, Explained?????? 2nd Edition

-          My Favorite Pay Internet Site

o   The Internet Chess Club –

-          My Favorite Free Internet Site

o   FICS – Free Internet Chess Club

o   Chessbase? -?

-          Favorite Chess Software (from low to high in terms of playing strength of audience)

o   Majestic Chess (more for kids)

o   Chess Master (latest edition – excellent multimedia tutorials by Josh Waitzkin)

o   CT-ART – best tool available for drilling you on tactics

o   Fritz

o   Chessbase – the top tool of chess professional


There is so much good stuff out there that there is no definite answers.? There is definitely no magic pill or silver bullet.? Since improving your game requires time, pick something that is fun.?? Without a doubt, the best material for you is the one that catches and holds your interest.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me at [address removed]

I hope to meet you all again,



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