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New Meetup: Nara's Ancient Temples and Buddhist Statues

From: Tatsuya
Sent on: Monday, August 23, 2010, 12:42 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Tokyo Museum Meetup Group!

What: Nara's Ancient Temples and Buddhist Statues

When: Saturday, September 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Mitsui Memorial Museum
Mitsui Main Building, 7th Floor Nihonbashi Muromachi 2-1-1, Chuo-ku

Nara's Ancient Temples and Buddhist Statues

Mitsui Memorial Museum is hosting an exhibition of Buddhist art, commemorating 1300th anniversary of the ancient capital of Heijo-kyo in Nara. The exhibition showcases 65 Buddhist statues and artifacts from 20 temples in Nara. The work I am particularly interested in seeing is a well known Afro Buddha statue, a statue of Gokoushii Amida Nyorai from Toudaiji Temple. (image) This is a good opportunity to check out high quality Buddhist art in Tokyo as the exhibits include some national treasures and numbers of important cultural properties. Hope some of you are interested in checking out the exhibition with me.

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