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Webinar with demo "How to create Geospatial Indexes for Nearest Neighbor and Geofencing queries in Akiban"

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 11:58 AM

Hey guys, 

I thought our new webinar on geospatial capabilities might be of interest to some of you:

Even if applications like Foursquare and Yelp haven't yet had a huge impact on your life, the geospatial technologies inside these applications have already begun to change user experience forever. Supporting geospatial is no longer optional - its operational.

Integrating location-based capabilities doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Join us for "How to create Geospatial Indexes for Nearest Neighbor and Geofencing queries in Akiban" to see how spatial indexes and functions enable developers to easily enhance applications using the full power and expressiveness of SQL.

         Register Now

Presenter: Jack Orenstein, Creator of Akiban's geospatial module

Date: October 4, 2012

Time: 2pm ET / 11am PT

Akiban's database merges documents and relational data in a single, fundamentally scalable architecture. By preserving full SQL semantics and ACID compliance while providing RESTful access and interaction through JSON documents, Akiban is the ideal solution for your next operational location-based project. If you're using a search engine to extend your relational system to add location-based capabilities, you know how limiting data age, spatial search accuracy and a lack of SQL support can be. Some SQL-based solutions restrict concurrency or the ability to create appropriate indexes, while others require convoluted SQL syntax and come with an incredibly high price tag. Because our spatial capabilities are implemented using SQL indexes and our optimizer is designed with the intelligence to automatically choose the right set of spatial and relational indexes at runtime, Akiban is a simple, safe and cost-effective means of adding location-based capabilities to any application.  

Akiban's spatial indexing is based on Jack Orenstein's pioneering work implementing z-order over relational metadata and is specifically designed to take advantage of all your operational data for calculations and ordering. As mobile computing becomes a fundamental part of most data profiles, you need an agile, scalable solution. You need Akiban. 

This event will cover the following:

  • Creating and indexing tables with latitude/longitude columns

  • Writing queries that include spatial predicates

  • Optimization of queries with spatial predicates

  • How spatial indexes work

  • Live Demo

Register Now

Looking forward to seeing you among our attendees!

P.S. If you are unable to make it to the live event register anyway, and We'll share the recording after the event. 

Robert Riegel @akiban
skype: robert.c.riegel.III | [masked]

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