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Programmer needed for exciting new Nashville Startup

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 8:47 AM
ShingleCloud is a brand new startup here in Nashville and we are working on an exciting new social networking application for a vertical market. We are looking for ambitious self-starting developers who can take on the project in the early stages. We have documented the epics and user stories and are prepared to begin iteration 1 of development. As compensation you will receive shares of the company with the option to cash in your shares at any time after we are funded or you can hang on to your shares and watch them grow. 

Once we have a signed non-disclosure agreement we can give you a complete picture of the project. Our founders have successfully started, IPO'd, and sold numerous companies in the last 20+ years and they feel this project has more potential than previous successes.

Please contact me with any questions along with your contact information.

Thank you,

Ben Nelson

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