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Part Time Remote Rails Developer needed.

From: Shawn R.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 28, 2012, 6:08 PM
Hi Guys!

My company Eezy Inc. is currently looking for a part time RoR developer to work with for nights/weekends/whenever you're available.

I need someone to help us code new features, support marketing, etc. Mainly small jobs that you can crank out one at a time. I'll keep posting tickets to Basecamp and you knock them out asap when you're available.

I am located an hour north of you guys in Bowling Green, KY but you can work remote. I currently have 2 other part time rails developers located in Leipzig Germany, and Austin, TX dedicated to my projects that you will work with at some point.

I own several high traffic sites in the "free" graphic design space. Our network does around 3M visitors per month and our main business model is advertising. We work very closely with iStockphoto and

Feel free to contact me for more info if you're interested in chatting.


Shawn Rubel
Eezy Inc.

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