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NSS looking for Ruby on Rails mentors

From: John W.
Sent on: Monday, May 18, 2015, 2:37 PM
Hi all,

It has been a while since we bothered y'all with a call for mentors but we are getting ready to release a whole new batch of fledgling Ruby on Rails developers into the wild.  NSS Cohort 8 graduates at the end of June and we're looking to connect our students with mentors for the next few weeks. 

If you'd like to meet the Cohort 8 students we are having a Mentor Meetup/Matchup at NSS on Wednesday of this week from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.  Come have a beer and meet the students and see if you connect with one that you'd like to mentor.  We are located at 283 Plus Park Blvd, Nashville, 37217 which is about 10 minutes east of downtown (as long as it is not rush hour). 

If you can't join us on Wednesday but would like to mentor, you can email me at my address or through info at  We'd be happy to connect you to a student that is looking for a mentor. 

To RSVP for Wednesday, please click through to Eventbrite:

For those of you who are new to our mentor program, we ask mentors to meet in person once a week for 60 to 90 minutes with their mentee as well as to be at least somewhat available for electronic question answering (Slack, IRC, email, whatever).  The mentor program officially lasts through graduation at the end of June although many mentors continue to meet with their mentees during the mentee job search.

Nashville Software School is a community-focused, 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping adults with aptitude and motivation launch a software development career irrespective of their economic circumstances. 



John Wark
Nashville Software School
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